photo-credits go to the daddy
Just before the New Year I got sick - hit like a ton of bricks and out of service for four whole days. I don't I have slept as much as I have in the last few days since I was an infant! Not fun, and I am praying that this illness stays clear of everyone else in our family.
Today, I am finally starting to feel a little better, for the first time eager to drink my morning coffee and write, so appreciative of feeling of health creeping back into my body.
Also grateful of timing of my illness. James had some time off from work and was able to be home to work on projects around the house and spend some quality daddy time with the kids. I could not have taken care of our four kids by myself while I was sick - and being sick during a vacation, as much of a bummer it was, was a lot easier than going in and writing up four days of lesson plans for a substitute teacher!
The past four days I have been a passive observer of our family life from my bedside. While James has been tinkering with some house projects the kids have had the opportunity to hang out in the garage with dad and do some tinkering themselves.
Everyone thrived with frozen pizza, hot dogs, and a lot of love and some extra time with their daddy.