Happy New Year from the Northwoods!
We are now almost a week into 2023. Today, one of my students asked me what my New Year's resolution was. I realized I had not yet reflected upon this, so I responded quickly but honestly with my first thoughts.
This year, I am not making a resolution for change, but hoping to continue to work with the intention of living an active and healthy lifestyle with a daily dose of outdoor time.
I am continually grateful for the flexibility of my work schedule, which allows me to get outside for an exercise break in the light of day, which is a gift during our long, dark winters in the north.
Every day so far in 2023, I have spent at least an hour outdoors. This has come in the form of a walk, skiing, and even snowboarding.
This morning I had a pocket of time before my first meeting early in my day, so I was out on the trail at sunrise, bundled up for a 10 K classic ski at a temperature just above 0ºF.
My efforts to get outside every day have proven to nurture my mind, body, and spirit.
I am motivated and inspired to continue the practice.
Read more about my ramblings on this topic in various published articles, including:
"One Foot In Front of the Other" Taproot Magazine::Issue 52::SAVOR
Family Adventures in Winter Weather in Taproot Magazine - Issue 37::SPARK
"Healthy Mama Habits" in Minnesota Parent